Water Exercise Classes
The YMCA offers water exercise classes for all ages and levels. Join us in the pool!
Water Tai Chi
This class is a gentle water class, focussing on balance, mobility, being in tune with your body, and positive energy. Experience water as a way to experience peace of mind and body.
Water Power
This water exercise class is designed to increase your muscular strength and tone while improving your balance, coordination, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory system. Participants must be comfortable in all depths of the pool; classes use both shallow and deep ends.
Low Impact Water Exercise
This lower intensity water exercise class will improve your flexibility, muscular strength, and endurance, along with your balance, coordination, core stability, and cardiovascular system.
Shallow Water Exercise
This water aerobic class is designed to improve your cardiovascular system while building strength and flexibility, but avoiding wear and tear on your joints. No previous swimming instruction is required.
Deep Water Exercise
This is a high-intensity water exercise class designed to increase your muscular strength and tone, and improve your cardiovascular system. Hydro-Fit equipment is provided, though you may bring/purchase your own.
Arthritis Aquatics
This class is designed to help with increased flexibility, mobility, range of motion, muscular strength, and endurance, along with trunk stabilization and balance. Exercises have been approved by physicians and physical therapists.
Arthritis Aquatics Deep Water
This class is designed to help with increased flexibility, mobility, range of motion, muscular strength, and endurance, along with trunk stabilization and balance. Exercises have been approved by physicians and physical therapists. Participants must be comfortable in all depths of the pool; classes use both shallow and deep ends.
Adult Swim
Adult Beginning Swim
Register for Adult Beginning Swim to build your confidence in the water.